
I can't have any more kids, I don't have any more arms!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Kid funnies

A couple of funny kid things:

Mommy: "Annika, come here & let me comb your hair."
Annika: "Why? I beautiful."

Tonight I was reading Kaarin stories before bed, & she was tooting up a storm.:) Finally I said to her, "Kaarin, where are all these tooties coming from?!" She pointed to her bottom & said, "Der!" LOL.

We rode the Light Rail to the Tacoma Children's Museum today, & then walked down to the Learning Sprout toy store (we had some make-a-plates to pick up, & Annika has some birthday $$ to spend). We ran out of time today, but we will go back when we have more time to play. Anyway, Annika was so cute: she got the kid-sized shopping cart, put the things that she wanted into the cart, wheeled it around the store, then when it was time, she wheeled it up to the counter, took her things out & put them up on the counter to pay.:)

Kaarin is starting to be a bit of a pain to take grocery shopping - she is small enough that she can slither out of the buckle in the cart, & then she thinks she can get out (she has already fallen out once!!:( ). When we get to the check out I let her get out & she & Annika help me put the stuff on the belt. Then she likes to look at all the candy, which of course is right at her level. She takes on in each hand & then takes off running down the store, as if she can get away, they're hers to eat. LOL.

Kellen is totally in to legos these days (the little tiny ones) & is getting really good at building things all on his own! He builds diggers & dump trucks & cranes...without any help at all! I am amazed. He is 100x better at building than I am.

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