Here are a couple more funny things:
*We were driving the other day & got behind a red van. Kellen said, "That van is like ours but red instead of white." I said that I wished we had gotten a red van because red is my favorite color. Kellen responded by saying, "Red vans cost LOTS of money but not white vans." Hmmmm...:)
*Kellen typically naps in Kaarin's room on an inflatable Cars bed (trust me, it's a long story...). The other day we were getting ready for nap & he said he wanted to sleep in his own room. I asked him why he wanted to sleep there (Annika sleeps there, yes, I know...) & he said, "Because it's MY room!" Yes, it is...
*Annika was in Kaarin's room tonight while Kaarin was playing, & we were talking about babies. She ran out of the room & brought her baby back in, along with its blanket. She proceeded to wrap it up. I commented on how her baby was all snug. Annika then left the room. I came out a few minutes later to find Annika, sitting on the couch with the boppy on her lap, her shirt up, feeding her baby.:) I did get a picture so I'll post it later.:)
*Kellen asks me a lot if certain people have been born yet (I think it comes from Finding Nemo at the very beginning when Nemo is still an egg...). So usually I explain that if he can see the person, that means they are born, & then I remind him of when Kaarin was in mommy's tummy & how it was so big & we couldn't see her yet, but now she is born so we can. He then has been saying, "Your tummy is not big anymore, mommy! It was, but now it's small." The camouflage is working!!
Kaarin is 100% crawling now, & is enjoying her newfound freedom...she is also pulling herself up to her knees any chance she gets! Kellen & Annika are not nearly as pleased with her accomplishment as she is, since now she can go after all of their stuff a lot more quickly. And yes, she wants WHATEVER they have!! She ate banana chunks today (fed them to herself), & this was the first time she has actually ingested them.:) Usually they come back out. She also tried some yogurt melts & was about 50% spitting vs. eating.:) She is officially in 6-9 month clothing!! Hooray! I have removed almost all of her 3-6 month stuff from her drawer. There are a few things that still fit fine that are fairly new, so I will keep those for now. But I was getting tired of some of the clothes, she's been wearing them for so long!!
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