
I can't have any more kids, I don't have any more arms!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Growing up!

Kaarin is getting big so fast. She is now 8 months old, has started crawling (though she still scoots a lot of the time, so she's not super-fast), broke through her 2nd tooth (on the bottom), is eating so much better, is waving, & is so happy anytime she sees Kellen, Annika, or Mookie.:) She has been doing really well with smooth textured foods, so we have actually been using more jar food than anything because they are the smoothest. She is just like her siblings & refuses cereal. She still spits out puffs & cheerios, though she is doing great at getting them to her mouth. I have given her banana chunks & she spits those out too. The good news is that since she is eating better I have not really had to give her any bottles (sometimes I still try but she will usually refuse it). I am happy that nursing + solids is enough for her. She is getting downright pudgy.:) She will go to the Dr. in a month for her 9 month check, so we'll see what she weighs then. I did pull out some her 6-9 month clothes -- some of them look like they'll be o.k., others she will swim in. But I am getting a little bored with her 3-6 month stuff since she's been in it for 5 months!!

Annika is really saying a lot more words lately, & is trying to say words when she hears them. She usually gets pretty close.:) I love hearing her talk more & put more & more words together. She gets excited too, when we understand her better! She is still her independent self, but now at least can help us understand what she wants to do. She is learning her colors & can tell us purple, red, blue & green. She still loves her binky, but is good about leaving it in the car when we go places.:) She now initiates that on her own. She gets so excited when we go get Kellen at pre-school.:) But not so excited to go to church (for MOPS) without him.
A funny Annika saying: (the first, I think!) When I leave her room at bedtime, we blow kisses & say "night-night" while waving. Then I say, "I love you." And she says, "Oh-tay!" Really cute.

Kellen is the special helper at pre-school on Thurs. to celebrate his 1/2 birthday, since his falls during the summer. We went to the store last night to pick out his snack. We were able to get ice cream cups (on sale) so he was excited about that.:) He had several things picked out along the way, but ice cream won. While we were at the store, Kellen asked me if he could have some broccoli (!?!). I said o.k. & broke him off a piece, & he told me he wanted a bigger one!!!:) I found him a bigger one & he ended up eating both of them (raw, of course)! He did ask for a cookie later too, but unfortunately we were at the store too late & the bakery was closed. Kellen is doing awesome at school & now even sits on a shape at circle time without being asked!:)
Funny Kellen saying: the other day we were going to Target (the big-red-ball store, as he calls it), & he saw the bank. He said, "That's the way to the money store, where we go to get money."

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