
I can't have any more kids, I don't have any more arms!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

We've All Had Enough...

The last time I tried to post with 'paragraphs,' my blog seemed to run in just one long we'll see what happens here.

We are having a terrible spring so far. RAINY. COLD. Even the sunny days are barely warm. About 3 weeks ago Kellen & Annika were in their room right before nap time. I was in my room, listening.:) This is what I heard (well, as best I can remember it word-for-word):
Kellen: "God, stop the rain! Stop the rain, God!"
Annika: "He can't hear you."
Kellen: "Yes He can, Annika!! He can hear everything! He can even hear you when you're not talking!"
Annika: "I know." (LOL)
Kellen: "And you know what, Annika? Jesus lives in my heart! He lives there because I asked Him to! That's what you have to do, Annika. You have to ask Him to live in your heart."
Annika: "I want God to live in my heart!"
Kellen: "Then you have to ask Him, Annika. I'll say it first & then you say it after me, o.k.? It goes like this: 'Jesus.' Now you say 'Jesus.'
Annika: "Jesus."
Kellen: "Come."
Annika: "Come."
Kellen: "Live."
Annika: "Live."
Kellen: "In."
Annika: "In."
Kellen: "My."
Annika: "My."
Kellen: "Heart!"
Annika: "Heart!"
Kellen: "And that's it, Annika! Now He lives in your heart too!"
Rejoicing with my boy & girl...:)

Really, I sometimes think that kids have a purer understanding (no, I don't think, I KNOW) of God & all He has done for us. Kids are in AWE of the world around them, so it is easy for them to believe in God & that He is MARVELOUS! Their faith is so simple, & we try to make ours so complicated. Another funny happened this week. Kellen told me after school one day: "Mommy, when we were doing the pledge of allegiance at school, I could feel my heart moving!" I said to him, "Maybe it was Jesus!" And he said, "Yeah! Maybe He was trying to get out." Hee hee.:) Which then gave me the opportunity to tell him that now that Jesus is in his heart, He will never leave! Kellen said, "He leaves when we don't love God & aren't nice to people." No, sweetie - He doesn't leave, he just waits for us to apologize.

1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love, love this!!! I've heard my kids have similar conversations and now I can't remember them, because I forgot to write it down! So good job capturing the moment!
