
I can't have any more kids, I don't have any more arms!

Monday, June 13, 2011


My girl has been asking the best questions lately. She is 3 years old, & I have been impressed with her insight. Here are 2 examples:

We went to Lopez Island for Memorial Day weekend. Erik's parents recently sold their house, so to get to the cabin we use a different driveway now. Erik's mom, the kids & I caught an earlier ferry so that we wouldn't have to wait for Erik to get off of work (his dad picked him up & they - oops, missed the 8:30 ferry -- caught the 10:30 ferry, now you see why we let his dad pick him up!!). We did great, caught the 4:30 ferry (we were the LAST Lopez car on!!), stopped at the grocery store, then headed to the cabin. We found a tree across the driveway, & while it wasn't a huge tree, it was too big for us to move, & there was no chance of going around it or through it. So we had to back up to turn around...& we got stuck in the mud. So, we gathered a few of our necessary things for bedtime & dinner & walked from there. It wasn't too far, & the kids were totally excited.:) They were in bed LONG before Erik & his dad arrived, so the next morning Annika noticed that Papa's car (& now our van, too) were parked at the cabin. She asked me first when Daddy & Papa got to the island, & 2nd how Papa & Daddy got around the tree (since they knew the tree was there, they were able to go a slightly different way).

Yesterday morning Annika came in to wake me up. She climbed into my bed to snuggle, then wanted to go have breakfast. I told her I needed to go to the bathroom first. She asked me why I always need to go to the bathroom in the morning, & I told her it is because mommy doesn't wear a diaper to bed & holds it all night, so I have to go in the morning!! She wanted to know when she wouldn't have to wear a diaper anymore for bed, & also "How do you hold it in?" :)

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