*A couple of weeks ago we were at my parents' house celebrating my dad's birthday. Aunt Amy was talking to Kaarin & asked her if she wanted to go skydiving with her. Kaarin, being Kaarin, said, "Yes!!" Later, Kellen drew this picture of Aunt Amy & Kaarin skydiving together.:)
*Kellen & Annika lately have been saying, "GJPODPNIHOISOIJGIOPOKS" (that would be gibberish, not swearing!) & then say, "We're talking in Spanish." :)
*I told Annika that when she doesn't wet the bed anymore that she & Kaarin will get to have bunk beds!! Kellen & I were talking about it later, & that the girls would be in the same room together. He said, "And I can have a bunk bed too in case someone wants to sleep with me?" (That kind of makes me sad!)
*The other night Annika came into our bed - I don't know when, I never heard her or felt her, but I woke up & she was there! I had fallen asleep snuggled up to Erik, & when she came in she snuggled up to me, so when I woke up, all 3 of us were sleeping on about 1/4 of the bed!!!!!! I looked over Annika & there was a HUGE amount of space!!!!! LOL. We were very cozy.;)
*I brought out a little cup one day for each of the kids with some vitamin D in it. They wanted to know what it was, so I told them. Kellen thought for a minute, then said: "We get that from the sun, too! When we run at school Miss Mary always asks us if we got some." :)
*Kaarin counted 1-12 today!!
*Last night Kaarin decided in the middle of dinner that she wanted to get her pjs on (?). We told her that she could after dinner, & that if she got up from the table, she would be done with dinner. So she got up & went to get her pjs, & was done with dinner. As I was cleaning up the kitchen, she told me she wanted her dinner because she was hungry. I told her she made the choice to be done. She kind of whined about it, so I (jokingly) held up a lettuce center to her & told her she could have that. She grabbed it out of my hand & took a big bite, then proceeded to eat the whole thing.:) I laughed at her, & she said, "Why are you laughing at me??!" I told her that she was stubborn.:) She said, "I not stubborn, I Kaarin." :) Then she ate more lettuce.;)
*Kaarin has finally figured out that we pray for people & things, not to them!! ;)
*Sometimes when Kellen gets up before me, I have him come & snuggle with me in my bed. One night he said, "Mommy, can you or daddy get up before me tomorrow because I don't want to come in your bed." LOL.
*Apparently we don't have many (any??) friends who live in apartments...we took dinner over to someone from church who just had a baby, & they live in an apartment. When we got there, Kellen says, "Are all these people on vacation?" haha -- he thought they were condos.:)
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